We have visited several pumpkin patches over the last month. Our first started out in Spokane with a trip to visit Grammy & Papa. In Spokane the farms are very close together and FREE yup FREE people. We got to see pumpkins being shot out of cannons
(David enjoyed this the most) mini horses, corn mazes, bouncy house, goats and pumpkins.
Jordan's preschool went to Spooner farms, we went to Jubilee Farms in Carnation and also the Maris farms - WHEW that is a lot
Jubilee Farms we rode a horse drawn carriage and Jordan was extra excited because there were Clydesdale's pulling it. Ever since we went to the fair he has an obsession with them. They also had "Babe" the pig there as well.
Maris Farms David took Jordan and a real Monster truck that they strap you into seats in the bed and take you for a ride. I thought for sure my little boy would cry and be terrified and I advised against it. He LOVED it.


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